forest grove christian learning center
A place where God’s love is seen and where each child is accepted as a unique person with special abilities and needs.


OPEN Year Round! We are open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. A late fee of $5.00 per 15 minutes or portion thereof will be charged to parents after 6:00 p.m. This fee will be added to your billing statement.

Please limit the amount of time your child is at the center to 11 hours per day or less. We are only licensed to care for children up to 11 hours a day.


The center will be closed the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. We will also be closing at 4:00pm on Christmas Eve. You will be charged for these days. Occasionally, the holidays fall on the weekend so they are observed on Monday or Friday. If this happens and for this reason or any other reason we have 10 or less families scheduled for care, we will close and it will be charged as a holiday.

The center typically does not close for snow days or fog delays. If you need additional care during school closings or delays, you must call the center before you bring your child to be sure we have space available. We will provide care for school-age children during these days on a first call, first serve basis.

If the center, for any reason, is without power, heat, or water, we will call you ASAP in the morning and let you know we will be closed for the day. You will not be charged for care if we close first thing in the morning. If we lose power, heat, or water, during the day, the decision to close will be made by the director, taking into account, first, the welfare of the children. You will be expected to pick up your child within a reasonable amount of time after you are called by our staff, and you will be charged for that day.


One week’s tuition will be due at the time of enrollment, and will be applied to your last week at the center provided we are given two weeks prior notice. This deposit is non-refundable if, for some reason, your child does not attend.

Children from 2 weeks to 36 months of age may be enrolled in the infant-toddler program. To enroll one’s child in the preschool program he/she must be toilet trained and at least 3 years old.

Before a child can begin attending the center, it is mandatory that we have on file the following items:

Child Information Card
Immunization Record (Must be kept current with the office.)
Health Appraisal Form Signed by Physician (Updated Yearly)
Tuition Deposit
Signed Parent Contract